"But what I do think is true is that this studied, mannered lack of coolness has made her much, much more durable as an artist than anybody could have expected. The people who loved Taylor Swift didn’t care that she wasn’t cool because they, too, had never been cool. Her lack of coolness and her visible effort and her personal songwriting have snowballed to make her somebody her fans identify with to a degree that’s actually kind of frightening," is one of the most spot-on descriptions of the Taylor-fan dynamic I can recall seeing.

Also mostly unrelated but obligatory "Through Being Cool," which I can...just about imagine her singing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfxWpyiVIN8

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Haha I'm imagining her singing this in the black turtleneck + band from the "Shake It Off" video. I continue to hold out hope that she'll give us a rock album eventually, whether it's a future new project or some kind of "from the vault" thing like producing the "lost album" Karma.

Though she probably can't sing "I'm gonna stick some needles in his face" without painting a target on somebody's real face at this point….

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I could get down with a whole album of "Better Than Revenge" (with no lyric change, tfu tfu tfu).

As for the actual person getting needles stuck in his face, she may need to go whole hog and just change "Nick" to "Jake" or "Ye" and hope for the best. To seek safety, one must go into the heart of danger.

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This is an important contribution to Niceness Theory and hence just the resource I’ll need when I finally write my big essay on Superman

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oh wait actually i forgot but phil… there IS a taylor song for this lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn0er7H1Dm0

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